My first major screw up happened while working on the piano hinge of the Trim Tab. I’ve checked the drawings and the construction manual. However, I didn’t mark the part that I had to trim, because I was sure what I was doing, NOT!
At this point everything was still ok, but after trimming…
I trimmed the end of the piano hinge the wrong way, sigh. I realized it at this point, you can see the cramped muscles in my cheek.
Oh well, it’s just a piano hinge (and 1 hour of work), so not to bad for a screw up. However I do need to take a note on ALWAYS mark parts to trim. Sounds so obvious, but over-confidence is a nasty thing that creeps up to you while gaining experience.
Instead of trashing the elevator (my normal reaction when I make a mistake), I could set it aside and start dimpling the elevator skins.
Now, I’m considering that mayby I can work around the problem. Anyway, after priming and assembly, I’ll see how far I get an what the result is just before riveting. The good part is that the piano hinge can be riveted last.
Time: 5 Hours, Rivets: 0/0