

My name is Marcel Heijmans and I’m an independent Software Engineer since 1998. I graduated from the University of Twente, where I studied Computer Science. Together with my wife Esther and our children Tycho and Lilian, we live close to one of the most beautiful National Parks in the Netherlands and Teuge airport (EHTE).

From a young age I was fascinated by flying amongst other things, but time, money and an obsession in computers and software prevented me to focus on flying.
Here are some attempts I made in the last 30 years to defy gravity (with mixed success).

Now I’ve picked up the gauntlet and I’m going to build a real airplane. The challenge for me as a Software Engineer is the fact that there is no “Undo” function in hardware projects. If you break it, it stays broken. I’m used to Revert to a previous (unbroken) version of my projects. This sounds trivial, but for me it has become second nature. I always jump in head first, knowing that if all fails I can “pull the chute”. This time I actually need to look (think) before I leap.
On this site you can follow my adventure as a Van’s aircraft builder.

Van’s Builder Number: 74668
NVAV member Number: 1084
NVAV Project Number: 375

If you have questions or want to provide feedback, please contact me at

You can find professional information on me at and LinkedIn.