Flap Actuator

The Flap Actuator consists of a DC motor a steel actuator construction and Flap push rods. A few weeks ago I visited a friend and fellow RV-7 builder, who told me to NOT FORGET the bolts in the steel construction, as they can’t be inserted once it is attached to the blukhead.

Right of the bat, I forgot this handy tip and attach it t the bulkhead. Took me another visit a few weeks later that he refreshed my memory. So I will have to remove this construction again.

Second error is building all the parts of the Flap Actuator bracket and only then attaching it to the bulkhead. You will end up with a twist in the bracket. So another thing that needs to be fixed in the future.

Closing up the Flap Actuator bracket and screwing it to the seat bulkhead.

Here’s where my ancient desktop computer power supply (that I treasured all these years in the attic) comes handy. The Flap Actuator works.

Now I can attach the side skins of the bracket orat least check if it all fits.

Going forward to the fuel lines panels, the fuel selector and the tunnel towards the firewall.

This is the intended position of the fuel selector plate. The part sticking up in an angle is necessary if you build a manual trim, which nobody does. However I’m considering reusing part of the angle to install the fuel selector in an angle and making it part of a center console connecting to the panel. But that’s just a thought right now.

The forward tunnel cover requires a lot of work, because there are many nutplates in there.

Time: 3 Hours, Rivets:  0/0 (2020-02-12)
Time: 3 Hours, Rivets: 29/0 (2020-02-15)


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